Friday, November 22, 2013

Classico !!EXPLICIT!! - Tenacious D


I have to go on record right away with two things. One, I can't stand Jack Black as an actor. He may be a great guy in real life, but I just don't like to watch him on screen. My dislike of his acting and characters rivals that of my Ben Stiller hatred. Two, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, from which this scene comes, is one of the dumbest movies I've ever watched. I do, however, enjoy his voice acting, a la Kung Fu Panda. Now, with that disclaimer out of the way...

Kyle Gas and Jack Black have definitely got some serious musical chemistry. They perform some funny, but mostly beyond-the-scope-of-that-which-I-find-humorous ridiculous, music. The vocals are always good, and Gas can definitely play guitar. This is the scene from the movie when the two meet, and it's the only scene I found entertaining. Everything after this was pretty much forgotten, because my brain shut down from how stupid I found the rest of the film.

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