Friday, June 10, 2011

Steady at the Wheel - Shooter Jennings


This is a song that I was just recently introduced to, and I have to say: I really dig it. Almost country and almost rock, Shooter plays what I'm sure is stuff his dad would be recording if he was growing up musically in this generation. This is the new outlaw country. The song really drives (no pun intended). I really like the off-beat pick-ups in the break of each verse. I'm definitely inclined to listen to more of his stuff at this point.

Shooter is the only child of Walyon Jennings and Jessi Colter. He was raised on the road during his early years, and grew up around music, spending time with Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson. That's not bad company to keep for a future musician. Shooter took the drums at five, piano at eight, and guitar at fourteen. By the time he got to guitar, he was already, occasionally playing percussion in Waylon's band.

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