Saturday, October 1, 2011

October Theme: Halloween & Spooky Things

October Theme: Halloween & Spooky Things

This month I've decided to focus on the season at hand: Halloween. The holiday was originally celebrated by the Celtic cultures, who dressed up in masks to scare away evil spirits. Today, we dress up in costumes for a variety of different reasons: to scare friends, to pretend we're something or someone else, to explore the depths of our imagination... Of course, costumes and masks aren't the only tradition we follow, the carving of Jack-O-Lanterns is still prevalent today. Is this another way we intend to ward off the evil spirits?

I like to think that the best way to scare away the things that scare you is with sound. If you want to chase a dog from your yard, you tell at it. If thretened by another person, the first response is often raising one's voice. So, what better way to scare away the boogeyman than with some holiday themed jams? This month you'll find tunes that in some way relate to things that go bump in the night.

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