Saturday, October 1, 2011

Frankenstein - Edgar Winter Group

October Theme: Halloween & Spooky Things


Not only does this song have an appropriate title and sound to start off the Halloween Theme, but it also comes from an album with an appropriate name, They Only Come Out at Night. The song sounds like it was written by some kind of Doc Brown-like mad scientist with all the synthesizer effects and crazy syncopated open space that comes later in the song. I feel like I could enjoy this a lot more if I was the kind of person that would do acid, and maybe that's why it was as popular as it was when it was. I do like the idea of how much Winter and the drummer, Chuck Ruff, had to be in sync mentally to make this work in a live performance. Winter was also the first person to ever strap a keyboard instrument to his body on stage, so, there's that, too.

The name comes from the manner in which the song was recorded. The band had several different takes on the song in the studio and several hours of time. The final product was put together from pieces of all the different tapes they had used, creating a monster of sorts. The song has since received a crazy cult status standing.

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