Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Just Can't Wait to be King - Thugs and Bubbles

October Theme: Disney


Sometimes you run across a video on YouTube that's just too ridiculous to not share. In fact, a lot of people have gotten famous because of that fact. This is one of those videos. I have no idea who Thugs and Bubbles are, and I don't care. I just know they did this ridiculous, yet musically OK, cover of the classic song from The Lion King. Their YouTube profile's only description of them states, "three guys who look funny making music". I don't know fi that means they look funny while making music or that they're three funny looking guys making music. I guess it's open for interpretation.

My favorite part is the guy in the background that seems to be doing absolutely nothing productive. I was kind of waiting on him to jump in and sing at some point, but that never happened either. I guess he just wanted to be in the video?

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