Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jingle Bells - Sammy Davis Jr.

December Theme: 25 Days of Christmas


Leave it to a guy as smooth as Sammy to make one of the hokiest sounding Christmas tunes sound cool. Sammy, whether part of the Rat Pack or on his own, could make just about anything his own, and when he owned it, it was cool. I've posted a performance of his, a cover that completely erased the original from my mind. However, in the case of "Jingle Bells", that might not be a bad thing. I mean, who else would've come up with "Jing, jing, jingle in the mornin'"?

The song has been around since 1857. It was written by James Lord Pierpont, whose only popular work was this song...pretty much. He did also write "Gentle Nettie Moore", covered by Roy Rogers in 1934, and it was also the influence for the Bob Dylan song "Nettie Moore". Pierpont's success with that song was also limited; he only wrote the chorus and piano accompaniment, not the entire song.

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