Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here It Goes Again - OK Go


The music these guys put out is just the right amount of quirky and poppy. It's not really mainstream, but it's still catchy. This is my favorite song of theirs and my favorite video of all time probably. All of their videos are ridiculously clever, but this one takes the cake in my opinion. The fact that this is all one long, continuous shot speaks to the work the group put into this routine.

Once upon a time, I worked in a video store, a Movie Gallery to be specific. There was a disc that was sent to us once a month that had movie trailers on it. It also contained ads for specials running in the store. It also contained three or four music videos, just three or four, that would play for a whole month. The disc in its entirety couldn't have been longer than thirty minutes, if that long. So, even in a six-hour shift, you'd hear it in the background about twelve times. Well, this was the only video that was ever on those discs that I didn't care to hear every time it came around.

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