Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Carry on My Wayward Son - Kansas


These guys are getting up there in years, but they can still play. This song has awesome harmonies and a kickin' guitar riff. The change from straight to swing was always one of my favorite parts, too. It's a fairly complicated song to master if you ever try and cover it, but it's well worth the work. It's one of those rare covers a band can do that learning it is as satisfying to you as hearing it is for your audience.

I find it odd that the song was placed on VH1's 100 Best Hard Rock Songs list. I wouldn't call this band or this song "hard rock", and I'm not just judging that against today's standards. A lot of my friends will argue it, especially the ones that are into contemporary hard rock, heavy metal, and screamo, because they think of those genres synonymous with one another, but most people within the music industry consider Led Zeppelin the first "hard rock" band, and I can't find much room to disagree with their assessment. Kansas, though, just doesn't fit my idea of hard rock.

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