Thursday, August 11, 2011

Empire State of Mind - Jaz-Z


I'm not a big fan of rap by any means, but I do listen to some of the genre on occasion. I admire the empire - no pun intended - that Jay-Z has built. He's not only a talented artist, but he's an intelligent business mind, and, most importantly in my opinion in the rap genre, a gifted producer. There's only so much you can do with beats and loops on the physical side of things, but virtually, mixing them in and out together takes a special ear, and he seems to have that. This song is really a throwback to Sinatra's New York, New York; his lyrics are even dropped in the song in a couple of spots. The hook is what this one's all about, though.  

The concept for the song was created all the way across the pond in London. Angela Hunte, along with writing partner Jane't "Jnay" Sewell-Ulepic, were visiting the U.K. During about strong bout of homesickness, the two started talking about all the things they complain about when they're home in New York, the subways, crowded streets, dirty city, and decided that at that moment, they'd give anything to straight back there. I think that's how it is for people from anywhere. Sometimes there's nothing you wouldn't give to be home, even if only for a little while.

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