Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wild One (Real Wild Child) - Chris Otcasek


This is a (loose in my opinion) cover of a Johnny O'Keefe song that has been covered by several different artists, including Iggy Pop and Jerry Lee Lewis. Lewis's version was recorded in 1958, but it wasn't released until 1974. Straight away, I don't like Iggy! He's too out there for my taste. Lewis's version is OK, but his is my favorite version that I heard first. I first encounted the song watching the movie Crocodile Dundee II. Pop's version appears in the movie, and when I went looking for it, this is the version I found. Otcasek's take on the song was featured in Pretty Woman.

Released by O'Keefe on his debut EP, it was sold as a live version. In reality, it was a studio cut that had an audience dubbed over top of the track. The album, Shakin' at the Stadium, was themed as a live album, so, the change was made to make it fit.

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