Monday, September 12, 2011

Man on the Moon - REM


I think this song is basically about the lead singer's (Michael Stipe) tour through the afterlife, and he is being guided by Andy Kaufman. It jibes with what the PR release said when the album that features this song was released. Also, I'm not of the mindset that we never landed on the moon, but I love the lyric about them having something up their sleeve. The mention of the moon landing is a direct suggestion that Kaufan's death was all an act, which is believed by many to be the case.

The song itself is pretty simplistic. There aren't any complicated riffs or solos. The two parts (verse and chorus) basically just repeat for the whole tune. It's still really catchy. It further confirms my belief that the simplest songs stay with you the longest. It was also well received by critics upon its release and took #30 on the Hot 100, becoming one of the band's signature songs.

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