Friday, September 16, 2011

Mr. Pitiful - Matt Costa


I'm usually not one for indie music just because some of it I really dislike. On the other hand, I really like some of it. For me it's like trying to shop at a Gabriel Brothers or some other disorganized store. I know there's some really good stuff in there; I just don't want to take the time to sort through it. When I'm directly presented with a song or artist to check out, I always do, though, and this one I picked up from a movie... You guessed it: I heard Matt Costa's song in the movie I Love You, Man. First, if you haven't seen it, WATCH it...twice. Second, there are some really good tunes on the soundtrack that I'll probably be using in the next few days. Above is an acoustic version, and below you'll find the original. It's really quirky, and I like that.

Costa has a pretty good library of recordings for an independent artist. Racking up five independent releases, two EPs, and three CDs released with Brushfire Records, this Huntington Beach, CA native keeps recording. His break came with guitarist Tom Dumont of No Doubt fame heard his first demo and offered to record more of Costa's work at his home studio.

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