Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tom Sawyer - Rush


Haters can hate all they want. Rush produces more sound on stage than most six or seven piece bands, and they do it with only three pieces. I like Geddy Lee's voice. Alex Lifeson is a monster on the guitar. Neil Peart is a ridiculously complicated, yet solid drummer. This band knows how to lay it down. The band's talents are not to be questioned.

"Tom Sawyer" was written by the three members and lyricist Pye Dubois, who co-wrote several other of the band's songs. The song grew from Peart's idea of using a poem Dubois wrote, "Louse the Lawyer". Peart modified and expanded it to create the song. The other members would then help set it to music. Another testament to the group's talents, the song switches from 4/4 time to 7/8 to 13/16 and back to 4/4 and 7/8. It's not easily performed for sure.

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