Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seminole Wind - John Anderson

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ytldwr79W4]

This is another one that I stumbled on to looking for something else. I know and remember this song from its radio days when I was a kid. This late 80s/early 90s contemporary country is what I was brought up on, and I still love a lot of it. This is a live version with Anderson being accompanied by Big & Rich. They will have a video to follow shortly. I think the opening piano and accompanying fiddle create my favorite part of the song. It's haunting and mysterious, and then you have the contrast of the full band hamming into the full song. Anderson's original was great, but the constant harmonies that Big & Rich provide ad something extra to the mix that fits so well.

The song deals with a subject I'm pretty passionate about: destruction of the natural habitat for financial gain. I hate to see greed destroy the planet around us, and it happens a lot, today even more than when the song was released. Anderson wrote the song and took it all the way to #2 on the country charts, and I think it's his passion for the song and subject matter that really connected with people. It was a B-side to another hit, "Straight Tequila Night".

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