Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday in the South - Shenandoah


This song captures perfectly what, at least, we all imagine those old southern Sundays to be like. I think they mostly only exist in our imagination, a place where all the best of things are real. This song is possibly the most laid back song I've ever heard, and that's why I like it so much. The vibe and groove of the song fit the lyrical content perfectly.

Shenandoah has seen plenty of success outside of this #1 hit. They had several other chart toppers, including "The Church on Cumberland Road", "Two Dozen Roses", and "Somewhere in the Vicinity of the Heart". The latter of those was a duet with Alison Krauss, and the song won a Grammy Award in 1995. The band has been through several personnel changes over the years, but still has a good sound today, even if it's not quite the same as their original feel.

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