Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trouble With Love Is - Kelly Clarkson


After yesterday's post, I felt I had to follow up with one of Clarkson's own songs. This is one of my favorites of hers, and it probably has a lot to do with that kind of bluesy, 6/8 feel it has. I'm a suck for that kind of groove, especially when it's really laid back like this one. It also takes on explaining love in a different sort of way, going into how it can be both happy and said, and that's the trouble with love.

The song appeared on Clarkson's first album, Thankful, in 2003. It was the album's last single and received good reviews pretty much all around. Clarkson went through the same troubles a lot of her fellow American Idol graduates have, fighting to get her own music and style onto her first couple of albums. She did manage to have some influence on Thankful, and this song showcases some of that. She was the co-writer for "Trouble".

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