Thursday, November 17, 2011

Amish Paradise - Weird Al Yankovic


I thought for a really long time about what Weird Al song should go on this blog, but I finally go it. This is the first of his songs I was familiar with growing up. I actually came to know of a lot of good music because I heard his spoof of it first. This song is a spoof of a Coolio song, "Gangsta's Paradise". Not only was the song a parody, but there's a good parody of the video as well.

Some controversy sprang from this parody. It's somewhat unclear, even all these years later, how things went down, but one way or another, there was some confusion. Yankovic usually gets premission from the artists he parodies, even thought it's not legally requred. Well, either Coolio said yes to the parody and then changed his mind or someone lied to Al and told him he had the go ahead. After the release, Coolio was not cool (sorry!) with the song. It seems that today everything is good between the two artists, though, with Al saying, "Coolio's cool with me now. We ran into each other a few years ago, and it's all water under the proverbial bridge".

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