Friday, November 18, 2011

Born to Hand Jive - Sha-Na-Na


This group has a lot more to their story than I was aware. Apparently, the group performed regularly and even hosted a variety television show for a while and performed at Woodstock. The song is of course from the musical, Grease, and that is a clip for the movie by the same name above. Sha-Na-Na takes its name from, the classic doo-wop song "Get a Job".

Musically the song is a little strange for commercial music. There isn't really a standard verse-chorus-verse-chorus format. That really isn't all that strange; Roy Orbison was one of the early artists to make the music community see that that structure didn't always have to be followed, but the structure for this song is just all over the place with saxophone and drum solos. It's possible that it was written this way to fit the time needed in the film, either way, it's a catchy tune.

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