Friday, November 11, 2011

Inside the Fire - Disturbed



I had never really put much thought into the lyrics of this song, but after you know what you're listening for, you can't miss it. The group's singer and frontman, David Draiman, offers an intro to the video, explaining what it's about and why the subject is so important. It makes you hear the song differently after you learn. Thankfully, I've never had to experience this issue close to home.

This band has the heavy rock sound that I like without the screamo sound that I hate. Slipknot is a good example of a group that I kind of like, but when I get halfway through one of their songs and they start screaming, it really turns me off from the song entirely. I can handle it a little for effect, but a whole verse is just excessive. It's the same as another trap a lot of these heavier rock groups fall in to as well: double kick madness.

The drummers for a lot of these bands will lay into the double kick pattern for an entire song. As a drummer, it's impressive that you've built up that stamina. I personally can't double kick to save my life, but at the same time, showing a little control over it would also be very impressive. Use it to accentuate a certain section of the music. It's just a drone if it's going the whole time. Disturbed does a good job of keeping both of those things in check while staying heavy rock at the same time.

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