Sunday, November 20, 2011

Talk American - Unknown Hinson


I went to an Unkown Hinson show this weekend on the recommendation of some friends. I had no idea what to expect, and I was pleasantly surprised. If anything, I had in mind this would be a Weird Al type of act. Although his lyrics are pretty corny (sometimes funny or witty, mostly corny), the music is great. The band was awesome. Unknown Hinson himself is a great guitar player. I thoroughly enjoyed the show.

The song above I included more because I like the words. I thought it was one of the more witty songs. I've included the one below because it's one of the better music pieces. Billed as the King of Country Western Troubadours, the style is all honky-tonk rockabilly. It's definitely different, and Hinson has developed a massive cult following because of it.

The part of Unknown Hinson is a character of course, played by his alter ego, Stuart Daniel Baker, a character he never breaks when in public. He also goes as far as to deny any connection to Bailey. The character was developed as part of a public access program called The Wild Wild South. After that show ended, Baker developed a show that revolved entirely around the character of Hinson, and once that show ended, he took the character on the road.


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