Friday, May 25, 2012

Sexy and I Know It - Noah


It's amazing how one person can do a song and you couldn't possibly care less about it; then, another person can do the same song in a different style, and it's just like, WOW! It's impressive that Noah could make me want to hear this song at all. What amazed me even more is that the "wiggle" part at the end isn't ridiculously corny; it actually sounds good.

The idea that I mentioned yesterday about YouTube being such and amazing outlet for artists is confirmed by Noah. Waking up the morning after posting this video, he found that it had over 200,000 one night! Tell me another way you can release music as an independent artist and get that kind of response that quickly. To date,  the song has over 7 million views (06/04/14 Update: 21 million and counting), and it was only published on May 9.  That's 7 million+ views in 23 days. That's ridiculous!

Noah has an awesome voice, and has a great view of music. He's working on an original album currently. On top of that, he seems like a nice kid. He got an interview on The Today Show based on his LMFAO cover. You can check out other videos of Noah's on YouTube by searching for only1noah...or just clicking that link.  He's got some awesome covers of current pop stuff and a lot of classics.

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