Monday, October 14, 2013

Gaston - Cast of Beauty and the Beast


Gaston was not only so manly as the song above describes him, he was also SO manly that he could break into said, almost operatic song in the local tavern without having anyone question his manliness. It would be a little different if this was more of a barroom chant or drinking song, but it isn't. This is a downright classic Disney song about one of the main characters of a movie, the villain no less, sung in chorus style. That's a manly man who can do that and not get teased.

Richard White was the voice of this song's subject, and I think he does an excellent job all the way through the film. Surprisingly, he only has three voice credits to his name on IMDB. Although, this seems to not be all that uncommon with voice actors. There are voice actors that work for years, doing all kinds of different voices. There are others that only work on a few select parts. Maybe White's voice was just too distinct to get varied types of work.

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