Sunday, November 3, 2013

New Shoes - Paolo Nutini


I love the concept of this song, and wish it were only as easy as changing into some new shoes to change your life. While it's not always that easy to turn a bad situation around, getting into that mindset shouldn't be too difficult, and the first step to changing where you are is deciding to make that change. The steps that follow may be hard, but putting on the right shoes to get started is where you start. See what I did there?

The song is the fourth single from the artist. It's familiar to a lot of people from the Puma campaign in which it was used. For me, it really stuck in my mind from its use in Studio 60, which I'm currently rewatching. If you haven't checked that show out, take the time to do it. It got cut after the first season, but that one season was great.

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