Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beat It - Michael Jackson

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRdxUFDoQe0]

Nobody will ever really know if the accusations against Jackson were true or not, but as far as his talents and abilities go, nothing will ever change his influence on music. He did a lot of great things over the course of his life and career. He wasn't just a singer or a dancer; he was an expert at both...and a great performer. He also did a lot to try and change the world for the better.

"Beat It" is a great song with a catchy riff. Plus, with Eddie Van Halen's guitar solo, you have everything a great pop song needs in it. After receiving the initial call to record the solo from Quincy Jones, the album's producer, Eddie thought it was a prank call. Finding out it was the real deal, he agreed to do the track for free as a favor against the objections of friends, band mates, and his manager. He later said of the experience, "I was a complete fool according to the rest of the band, our manager, and everyone else. I was not used. I knew what I was doing. I don't do something unless I want to do it".

I've also included Fall Out Boy's cover of the song below. It's a good one. They too had to call in a guitarist to cover the solo: one Mr. John Mayer.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk8Pb17pcQI]

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