Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Through With You - Maroon 5


Sometimes producers can do some really cool things with songs, but sometimes the demo or rough cut of a tune is better than the one that's eventually released. The version of this song above is the original demo the band cut. It's not the one that was released on the album, at least not in the U.S. I prefer the rough cut.

I remember the first song of the band's I heard was "Harder to Breathe", and at the time I thought it was a great song. I still like it well enough, but there were much better songs on Songs About Jane.  None of them paint Jane in a very good light. She must have been a real b***h to get a whole album written about her in that negative vibe. Below, I've included the final release of the song.  What do you think is better?


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