Monday, June 27, 2011

Trashin' the Camp - Phil Collins & N'sync

Original Take:


Alternate Take:


I'm a really big fan of Disney music in general. They've had some great artists write stuff for their films over the years: Elton John, Louis Prima, etc. In the case of Tarzan, they brought in Phil Collins. Of course with Collins being the main writer here, we get lots of percussion oriented sounds and music. He recorded all of the music for the film, but with this song he wanted to do a version for himself as well, something a little different. I think his alternate version of the song is great. You can see the video below for a making of short. The song is just a lot of fun. Above I've included the original and the alternate take.  I think the harmonies with N'Sync are amazing.

The one thing that makes me not want to watch the video below is the fact that it makes me feel old. The album that made the group a household name, No Strings Attached, was released in 2000. That's two years before I graduated high school. However, their first single, "I Want You Back" was released in 1997. That's one year before I started high school, and honestly, it doesn't feel like it's been that long. If you look at where the group's members are today, though, you can definitely see how times have changed, some for the better and some not so much... I heard a commercial for hair replacement the other day that featured one of the guys.


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